Gupica signs a “Camera con vista” for augmented Mutaforma’s materials

“Camera con vista” (A room with a View) is a design project developed for the launch of the "Grand Tour" collection - Viaggio in Italia, racconto di luce by Gupica for MUTAFORMA. Ethereal landscapes, souvenirs de voyage, symmetric mosaic designs and iterated geometric patterns guide visitors on a journey of nuances and delicate transparencies. A collection inspired by Italian aesthetics as perceived by European travellers in the 18th and 19th century.

The Grand Tour was a long trip undertaken by young European aristocrats and members of the intellectual elite, Italy being the most cherished destination. The soft, lingering eye of the traveller captured it all: vast green lands and overlaid remains of ancient cultures that create a one-of-a-kind scenery with flourishing details of decorative and architectural magnificence.
MUTAFORMA’s innovative material, the world’s smallest glass tessera (TILLA®, as small as 1.5x1.5 mm), made it possible for Gupica to create a collection of variable geometries, ranging from large landscape views to tiny antique decoration patterns for the decoration of walls. The light refracted on MUTAFORMA’s stratified glass irradiates warm nuances and reveals precious collection items.

Patterns, symmetric mosaic decors, and iterated geometric designs reveal intangible aspects of the material: a soft morning light, or mist unfolding on a rural landscape. Grand Tour by Gupica for MUTAFORMA combines ancient symbols with contemporary design. It’s a sensory and cultural experience, narrated by light through future-oriented material.

Camera con vista is staged at Casa TILLA®, a space created as the imaginary home environment of Andrea Radice, CEO and cofounder of MUTAFORMA. Customers meet the brand and experience the aesthetic and sensory features of MUTAFORMA’s material.

When and where:

17-21 April
Casa TILLA® - via Aminto Caretto 6, Milan
by appointment only
Opening hours: 11am - 2.30pm and 5.30pm – 10pm