Porcelanosa Grupo: XXIV International Architecture & Interior Design Exhibition

On Friday February 17th, PORCELANOSA Grupo closed the 24th Global Architecture and Interior Design International Exhibition. The assessment carried out after a few days showed that in this 24th edition of the exhibition, attendance records had been broken again, with an increase of 15% in relation to the 12,000 visits in 2016.

A real success for the PORCELANOSA Grupo, as from these attendance figures it is worth highlighting the large number of foreign visitors that came to the HQ in Vila-real throughout the week. Around 9,000 visitors coming from up to 80 different countries, mainly from Central Europe and the USA. All of them have been able to enjoy the 14,000 square metre exhibition area that the company has distributed among its eight firms, and in this way, they have been able to learn about new trends regarding architecture and interior design.