A step by step tutorial on the application of the decorative system with three components Spazioresina overlaying existing mosaicfloor.
Spazioresina is the specific range of flooring Spaziocontinuo, the new brand which Litokol debuts on the decorative resins market with. Very short application cycles, ease of use and endless customization with over 2000 colors of the RAL and NCS scales are absolute strengths of the recently presented new entry.
A step by step tutorial on the application of the decorative system with three components Spazioresina overlaying existing mosaicfloor.
Spazioresina is the specific range of flooring Spaziocontinuo, the new brand which Litokol debuts on the decorative resins market with. Very short application cycles, ease of use and endless customization with over 2000 colors of the RAL and NCS scales are absolute strengths of the recently presented new entry.