Home and change: according to Ikea, "we are made to change"

On July 13, Ikea Italia promoted an event to present the latest interior design trends 2018 to emphasize how fluid everyday life reflects the way home spaces are conceived.

Elected by consumer’s public as worldwide leader in furniture, thanks to the winning combination of accessibility, trendy design and practicality, the Swedish company intends to be more than ever an ally of the house 2.0, increasingly dynamic and "interactive". This is a process of expansion, pursued through a product range extension that includes as main feature flexible, customizable and multifunctional complements, shaped by change.

IKEA, we are made to change, which is the theme of next year, resulted from these premises. It is a concept strongly linked to contemporary different lives that change the concept of family; relations evolve and places and modes of interaction changes, also considering technology as a factor that influences thoughts and actions day after day.

During the event "We are made to change", four lounges, set up in different styles for the occasion, were places of debate and sharing around the theme. Moreover, there were different performances and speeches moderated by the famous interior designer Andrea Castrignano: the intervention of the psychologist Luca Mazzucchelli - "Many lives in one life: how to deal with liquid life"; the one of Emanuele Nardone and Melissa Arroni aka "Ma’ Hidden Kitchen Supper Club" - "The House as a new sharing space: when living becomes celebration"; the one of the travel blogger Claudio Pelizzeni - "Change and new nomadism: our home can change with us"; finally, "Home Revolution and Sharing" by Dj Alessio Bertallot.
