A project that lays the foundations for an innovative generation of zero impact products. This is the current commitment of the Italian company Litokol that focuses on research to develop a new technological platform called Zherorisk®.
In fact, the company won the funding ZERO (Zero Enviromental Risks in Our building) with the highest score: the research project that, as part of the announcement "Axis 1, Research and Innovation" by the POR FESR 2014-2020, aims at identifying basic compounds and process solutions that can create new series of building products with safety and ecofriendly requirements.
Litokol got the best evaluation and won the first place both in the “Building and construction” ranking and, alongside large companies of Emilia Romagna, in the general list of projects approved for funding of “Type B projects”, whose purpose is the realization of research and development activities, supported by investment and production expansion within the region.
By financing the project - with a budget of over 1.6 million and a grant of about 50% - the judging Committee gave a positive judgment especially for Litokol know-how, the scientific partnerships, the technological innovation of the industry and the economic and market outlooks resulting from the commercialization of the new products.
Last June 22 in the training center of Litokol, it has been held the kick-off meeting of ZERO project that will end by April 2018, which involves the various stakeholders supporting the company and its R&D Laboratory. The aims of the activities to be performed, the timing, the roles and modalities of cooperation on the experimental side have been also established during the meeting.
There will be also the collaboration of several research groups coming from academic institutions and the High Technology Network(Rete Alta Tecnologia) of Emilia Romagna region: the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the SUP&RMAN Laboratory, the CIRI(Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Industriale) - Building and Construction (Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research of the University of Bologna), the Larcoicos research Laboratory of the Ri.Cos Consortium of Bologna and Democenter, Centre for innovation and technology transfer of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
The new mission and the Zherorisk® technology represent the continuity of a business path that Litokol has built over the years, in which the search for innovation and scientific collaborations has always been the starting point for the creation of innovative building products to be exported around the world.