Schlüter-BEKOTEC-THERM wins Plus X Award
Efficient heating for comfortable living environments: the Schlüter -BEKOTEC-THERM floor heating system with its low assembly height and intelligent design creates a pleasant, healthy room climate with low energy consumption.
These qualities won over the Plus X Awards jury, which recognized the high quality, ease of use, and functionality of the Schlüter -BEKOTEC-THERM ceramic thermal comfort floor. As the world's largest innovation award for technology, sports and lifestyle, the Plus X Award honors brand products for their quality and innovative conceptual design.
"We are very pleased to be recognized by this renowned award in three different categories," said Managing Director Udo Schlüter. "The award affirms the value of our work and is an incentive to continue our development of intelligent, high-quality system solutions to provide our customers with even more comfort and fun with ceramic tiles."
The advantages of Schlüter -BEKOTEC-THERM are evident right from the start: the system is not only quick to install, but also stands out for it short curing times. It can be connected to existing heating circuits and distributes heat quickly and evenly throughout interior spaces - with low supply temperatures. That saves energy and makes the floor heating system especially attractive for use with renewable energy sources, for example in combination with heat pumps or solar energy. For further information on the energy-efficient floor heating system, visit